Chocolate-Banana Bread

Do you have a selective eater in your household?  I can say with confidence that we have one most days!  So, when your 13-year old picky eater asks, “Can we make banana bread?” you make it happen.

It was almost 8:30PM after two snow days at home.  I rolled off the ingredients in my head making sure that we had the essential items.  Then, we set her up for success, because at her age, she is now capable of making the bread independently,

Using a favorite recipe such as chocolate-banana bread as a “mentor” text, I reviewed best baking practices with Caroline.  First, I reminded her to read the recipe at least once from start to finish so she knew what was involved and the progression of the steps.  This was a good time to ask any questions she may have had, too.  Next, I had her gather all of the ingredients in one place on the countertop.  Then, it was showtime – time to follow the directions step by step or sentence by sentence, depending on the structure of the recipe.

We had a teachable moment when she skipped over a very important part of a sentence – “in a separate bowl.”  She added a bunch of dry ingredients directly into the wet mixture without blending them first.

Gently, I pointed to the sentence in the recipe saying, “It says to mix all dry ingredients in a small bowl until blended well.  Does it say to add each dry ingredient into the mixture?”

“No,” she stated softly.

I explained that it’s best not to skip any parts unless you want to jeopardize the final product.  I continued by adding that if and when this happens, my advice is to try to correct the mis-step on the spot.  Instead of mixing the dry ingredients right into the wet, she carefully mixed the dry ingredients on top of the wet first, then mixed them altogether until fully blended.

I noted that the sour cream she used had an expired “best if used by date,” but it was “sour” already, so no need to be alarmed.  Plus, I didn’t have the heart to tell our selective eater that she may have tainted her batter. I guess I should add to best baking practices to check the dates on the ingredients gathered for the recipe to ensure freshest flavors!

Fifty-five minutes later, a beautiful chocolate-banana bread came out of the oven, making the house smell like a chocolate lover’s dream.  I know what Caroline will be eating for breakfast!

4 thoughts on “Chocolate-Banana Bread

  1. Now I want some banana bread! I love that you acknowledge how important it is to “make it happen” when our teenagers take initiative. Sounds like it paid off, and there’s nothing better than making a mistake then fixing it up. In fact, that’s the work of growing up (and of being a teacher, too!). Enjoy the warmth of the baking and the love, too.

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  2. Yum! How lucky that you have a budding baker in the house. When I was your daughter’s age, I thought baking soda and baking powder was the same. I used the wrong one in a recipe, but my mom caught the mistake. We found a new recipe that fit the ingredients I already mixed.

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